The Tao talks at length about action through inaction. This is interpreted by many, including my friend, that one ought do nothing. His understanding raises a paradox - how is good on this earth brought about if the apex of virtue is to do nothing. This is a common misinterpretation of the meaning of inaction.
Firstly, action through inaction is a warning against taking action for action's sake. Often when a problem arises the general feeling is that SOMETHING must be done. But action solely for the sake of being seen as doing something often worsens problems more than it helps. Solutions must be deliberate if they are to cause good, and in many cases letting things run their course is the best option.
Secondly, it is a strategy. All events have an ebb and flow, that rythm can only be stopped or reversed through direct action at great cost, if at all. On the other hand, a thorough understanding of the situation at hand and a small nudge in just the right action can bring about great change. Think of a pendulum. How much harder it is to make it reach the highest point opposite its direction of travel by stopping it and throwing it in the direction you want. How much easier to gently nudge it in the direction it is already going, knowing that it will be where you want it eventually.
Kerry Supporters for Bush was an example of these principles; Bush got a second term, and then America elected the first black president.
This comic, is another great example of these principles.